My Portfolio of Contributions to Fedora for the Outreachy Contribution Stage

My Portfolio of Contributions to Fedora for the Outreachy Contribution Stage

My time contributing to Fedora from March 4th to April 2nd has truly been enlightening and extraordinary. I used to perceive open source as a distant concept with Fedora being completely off my radar until I dove into contributing this year. Now, I can say that I am contributing to open source, and even better to the Fedora Project. In this blog, I will be walking you through my contributions to Fedora during my Outreachy contribution stage.

Prerequisites Contributions

[Step 1] Set up your Fedora Account System (FAS) account.

[Step 2] Set up a personal blog.

[Step 3] Write a blog post that introduces the Fedora community to your audience.

[Step 4] Promote your intro blog post on social media.

[Step 5] Write an onboarding guide for Outreachy 2025 applicants.

Additional Contributions

[Prerequisite] Outreachy Onboarding.

[Stretch] Prepare social media posts.

[Stretch] Make a list of DEI-related holidays.

[Stretch] Write an article.

[Stretch] Evaluate impact of your promotion campaign.

[Advanced] Podman, CoreOS, Toolbx Test Day Social Media Support.

[Stretch] Preparing a portfolio of your contributions.

[Stretch] Make a timeline of what you would like to do in the Outreachy internship.

Supporting Materials

Personal Blog: Already had a personal blog post website that was accessible without the reader having to create an account. Adjusted some settings to meet up to the requirements.

Introductory Fedora Community Post: Worked on a blog post to introduce the Fedora community to my audience. Broke them down into sub-headings and added graphics to make it easier and more interesting to read.

Promotion of Blog Post on Social Media: After that, I took to LinkedIn to promote my blog post to my social media audience. Created a separate graphic to be used as a preview image to improve engagements.

Onboarding Guide for Outreachy 2025 Applicants: Wrote an onboarding guide for the 2025 Outreachy applicants. Writing this down helped me to document what I've learnt so far and also help future applicants, a win-win for me.

Prepare Social Media Posts for Fedora: Worked on social media post drafts that can be used for Fedora.

Write an article: Wrote an article with the topic of “Which is right for me - mainline Fedora or Fedora Atomic Desktops” to be published in the Fedora Magazine.

Social Media Impact Report: Worked on analyzing a social media campaign.

Supporting Graphics: Graphics I designed to increase engagement.

Biggest Contributions and Discoveries

My biggest contribution throughout this stage was reading up about everything Fedora, documenting it, running a social media marketing campaign and measuring the results. The whole process was truly enlightening!

Additionally, I learnt everything about Fedora Mainline and Fedora Atomic Desktops, what they are about and how beneficial they are to different users. I also enjoyed working on the DEI-related calendar, and the social media test days post. I learnt so much from these experiences and look forward to learning more.

A bonus contribution I enjoyed was helping out my fellow applicants in understanding Fedora and getting them used to the dynamics within the community.